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About FHT

The Falmouth Housing Trust (FHT) was organized in 1986 under Massachusetts General Law as a Community Development Corporation, (CDC) tasked with combating homelessness and promoting individual home-ownership for persons of low to moderate income for the Town of Falmouth, and its surrounding areas. The Trust is an independent non-profit, 501(c)3, organization that works in conjunction with local agencies and Town government.

The Trust Board acts independently of Town of Falmouth Committees and Boards, but does work in collaboration with them to achieve its goals and objectives through open dialogue and interaction.

Board terms are staggered to allow for continuity and transitioning. Each November the Board of Directors internally elects its Officers: President, Vice President, Clerk, and Treasurer. The Officers serve for two-year terms and can be reelected by a majority vote of the Board. The President appoints other committees with the discretion and support of the Board on an as-needed basis.

The Falmouth Housing Trust has an Executive Director who carries out the policies and programs set annually by the Board of Directors. The Executive Director is responsible for developing an annual plan of activities for the Falmouth Housing Trust, cultivating and soliciting funding proposals, maintaining relationships with the FHT membership, local businesses and elected officials, state and federal agencies and the Falmouth community. The Executive Director is responsible for program administration, compliance, maintaining a ready-to-buy list, reporting, and handling sales and leases of affordable units.

The Falmouth Housing Trust has a Chief Development Officer whose role is to maintain and build philanthropic capacity to support the mission based on a thorough understanding of the community whose support is being sought. The Chief Development Officer oversees a comprehensive fundraising and development program that includes major and foundation giving, annual giving, gifts of personal property and real estate, legacy giving, and organizing fundraising events.

The Falmouth Housing Trust does contract for services with local independent companies and organizations as the need arises, to realize its organizational goals and obligations.

Falmouth Housing Trust Working to Address Falmouth’s Critical Housing Needs

Working to Address Falmouth’s Critical Housing Needs

“Falmouth has both special qualities and unique challenges…the very beauty that makes Falmouth so appealing also masks the degree of economic hardship that exists in the town.”1

The Town of Falmouth Housing Demand Study & Needs Analysis report indicates that our community faces a number of socioeconomic challenges. On Cape Cod, and Falmouth in particular, we have a large and growing senior population, a limited and tenuous seasonal economy, and a high cost of living. And, like many communities, Falmouth has at-risk populations who struggle with the lack of affordable housing, which is a key factor in many of
these local concerns.

Falmouth Housing Trust exists to address critical housing needs in Falmouth by developing practical solutions that benefit the community. The Trust works to create affordable housing for individuals and families who are vital to our community. The Trust also works to rehabilitate housing to counteract community deterioration.

Falmouth’s lack of affordable housing is an obstacle to attracting and retaining a young and talented workforce. Many of our families with children and our young professionals simply can’t afford to live here. Households with children have declined from 24% in 2000 to 15% in 2020. “Population projections predict that Falmouth’s population will decline through 2050, mostly among younger cohorts while still increasing among older adults.”2 And today, Falmouth’s workforce is smaller than the combined total of children and those 65 and older. This is a concern that affects our whole community.

All communities need a diverse, productive workforce to thrive — teachers, waitstaff, healthcare workers, police, and firefighters, for example. By losing this workforce population, our community is losing the diversity, vibrancy, and contributions that this population brings, which affects our local economy and threatens our quality of life.

To retain this population, our low-to-moderate income residents must have housing they can afford. Because Falmouth Housing Trust recognizes their value to the health and composition of our town, creating affordable housing for this population is a priority.

Since 1986, the Trust has met a spectrum of housing needs in Falmouth. Our projects have created 42 affordable home ownership opportunities and 4 rentals for low-to-moderate income individuals and families. The Trust rehabilitated the iconic Odd Fellows Hall at 1 Chancery Lane, and converted it into single occupant, affordable rental housing.

1. Town of Falmouth Housing Demand Study & Needs Analysis, RKG Associates, Inc., Sept. 2014
2. Falmouth Housing Production Plan, 2024

The Massachusetts Fair Housing Law, M.G.L. c.151B § 4(7B) states:
For any person to make, print, or publish, or cause to be made, printed, or published any notice, statement or advertisement, with respect to the sale or rental of multiple dwelling, contiguously located, publicly assisted or other covered housing accommodations that indicates any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation which shall not include persons whose sexual orientation involves minor children as the sex object, national origin, genetic information, ancestry, children, marital status, public assistance recipiency, or handicap or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination except where otherwise legally permitted…. read more