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419 Waquoit Highway
The Falmouth Housing Trust works with The 300 Committee Land Trust and Commonwealth of MA to allow for new work force housing for sale and preservation of open space at 419 Waquoit Highway.
The Falmouth Housing Trust is pleased to announce that a 3.8 acre land parcel at 419 Waquoit Highway will be sold to the Falmouth Housing Trust and the MA Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) in May, 2024 for affordable housing and preservation of open space. The 300 Committee Land Trust, DCR and the Housing Trust will jointly fund the land acquisition.
The property is within the mixed residential/commercial Village of Waquoit and contains an existing home. The DCR will own 2.7 acres that will include the wooded portion of the parcel with frontage on Bourne Pond. The DCR will hold, manage and protect this portion in perpetuity as part of the Waquoit Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (WBNERR). The DCR portion of the parcel will connect with other nearby conservation property walking trails. The Housing Trust will acquire about one acre of land with frontage on Waquoit Highway that includes the existing house and associated development, with the intent to redevelop this portion of the parcel for housing. Affordable deed restricted workforce housing will be built and sold to eligible homeowners earning up to 120% of the median income for Barnstable County.
The Village Center location is ideal for work-force housing for sale, particularly since it allows for pedestrian access to services, employment and public transportation. The Falmouth Housing Trust is very excited to be a part of this project that brings together state and local resources, including private donations, to preserve environmentally significant land while helping to address Falmouth’s affordable housing crisis.

The 3.8 acre property at 419 Waquoit Highway is outlined in red. The dark green areas are conservation lands.